March 1, 2013

Cancelamento da visita a Toronto do Sr. Ministro da Economia Dr. Álvaro Santos Pereira.

Em virtude de doença súbita e grave de seu familiar direto, S. Exa. o Ministro da Economia e do Emprego, Dr. Álvaro Santos Pereira, viu-se obrigado a cancelar a sua visita a Toronto onde cumpriria um programa intenso de contactos com a FPCBP, empresários luso-canadianos, empresas canadianas na área das minas e energia no quadro do Salão PDAC 2013, bem como encontros com membros do Governo Federal e Provincial.

Não obstante o antes referido, que muito se lamenta, recorda-se que S.Exa. o Secretário de Estado da Energia, Dr. Artur Trindade participará, em representação do Sr. Ministro, na Gala da Federação de Empresários e Profissionais Luso-Canadianos.

Agradece-se entretanto à Federação todo o empenho e esforços efetuados para ter no seu evento S.Exa. o Ministro, bem como organização de um encontro com empresários luso-canadianos que teve, assim, infelizmente, de ser cancelado.

Aproveita-se entretanto o ensejo para reproduzir aqui o comunicado à imprensa emitido pela Federação Luso-Canadiana de Empresários e Profissionais na sequência daquele cancelamento:

It is with great regret that we have had to cancel our much anticipated Breakfast Roundtable scheduled for this Sunday, March 3, 2013 with Minister Alvaro Santos Pereira. Due to an unforeseeable illness and hospitalization of a close family member of the Minister, he has had to cancel his trip to Toronto. On behalf of the Federation and its Board of Directors, I would like to extend our best wishes to the Minister and his family at this time.

I would like to thank everyone for their interest in this event and for their continued support of the Federation. We regret any inconvenience this cancellation may have caused and we look forward to organizing an event with the same interest and caliber in the very near future. I will be issuing refunds to everyone in the coming week.

I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Spuntini Restaurant for their cooperation and understanding. We look forward to working with you again and hope to host an event at Spuntini Restaurant some time soon.

To Ana Ochoa of Caixa Geral de Depositos, sponsor of the breakfast, Dr. Pedro Moitinho, Dr. Julio Vilela and AICEP I would also like to thank you for your continued support of the Federation and its initiatives and look forward to the next opportunity to working together in bringing meaningful events to our members.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our local media for their continuous support, interest and media coverage in the Federation’s events.

Best regards,

Cristina Martins
Federation of Portuguese Canadian Business and Professionals
1136 College Street
Toronto, Ontario M6H 1B6
Tel: 416-537-8874; Fax: 416-537-9706 

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